Our group's main laboratory is named Advanced Materials Synthesis comprising a variety of chemical vapor deposition reactors. Many of these reactors are built/assembled by students over last few years. We expect to add a new 4 inch substrate microwave CVD reactor in the next couple of years.

Our group partnered with Professor Robert Cohn's group in the ECE department in acquiring and maintaining several multi-user research facilities described here as core facilities for materials nanotechnology research. We intend to grow this activity of infrastructure development by seeking partners from industry to obtain funding from federal agencies to obtain several transmission electron microscopes necessary for characterizing both softer (polymeric/biological) and inorganic solids.

Multi-User Materials & Nanotechnology Facilities Co-ordinator:

Please contact Mrs. Rodica McCoy (rodica@louisville.edu, 502-852-6348)
if you need to access any of the multi-user facilities or reprints
nanomaterial/advanced material samples.