"A discovery of a material can change the way we convert energy, store and use it globally."

* Materials genome project:Develop rapid synthesis techniques for accelerated discovery of electrocatalysts and battery materials. Initiate a materials database for accelerated materials discovery using informatics-driven modeling and combinatorial synthesis methods for semiconductors and electrocatalysts.

*Materials Development: Develop new III-V alloy semiconductors and complex metal oxide alloys

*Nove Processes: Develop scalable production of nanowire based materials; large single crystal growth, rapid synthesis of complex oxides

* Durability: Establish in-situ microscopy and spectroscopy tools for fundamental studies aimed at the understanding of interface stability and durability in functional energy devices.

Mid Term Objectives

* Discover a number of semiconductors and electrocatalysts made using earth abundant elements; test algorithms for prediction of structure-functionality behavior.

* Demonstrate performance of new III-V alloys and complex oxides in functional solar conversion devices and catalytic reactors.

* Demonstrate a plasma catalysis concept with ammonia production

* In-situ studies including visualization and quantifications on durability estimation.

Long Term Objectives

* Develop a database and complete set of analytics

* Complete translation of several concepts into the commercial space

* Scale up and demonstrate plasma catalysis based reactors

* Develop fundamental understanding about durability of materials and interfaces within energy/power devices.